Saturday, 14 March 2020

Dedh Trei Ügens ha Peswardhek

De Sadorn, pajerdegves mis Meurh
Saturday, 14th March

Ma chei brâs ogas dhe Falmeth, derevys en maner Godhek a Oos an Vatêrnes Victoria. "Chei Trefusis" henwys ew ev. Teylû Trefusis a dheuth e'n pow ma gans an Normanow. Üdn "Arlodhes" an teylû a fondyas Gool Mûsek Kernow en mil naw cans ha deg. Cans bloodh ha deg ew ev e'n vledhen ma. Ma comparyansow rag menstrels, canoryon, keuryow, bagasow menestrouthy ha'n ger cowsys (Kernôwek ewedh) - pub skians, coth ha jonk.  Ma lies powas. E'n gwettha pres delatys ew ev e'n vledhen ma, rag gwil vry an virus covid 19. Na ellama redya ow gwersyow dhort Matthe II.

There is a big house near Falmouth, built in Victorian Gothic style. It's called "Trefusis House". The Trefusis family came into this country with the Normans. One "Lady" of the family founded the Cornwall Music Festival in 1910. It's 110 years old this year. There are competitions for instrumentalists, singers, choirs, instrumental groups and the spoken word (including Cornish) - every ability, old and young. There are many prizes. Unfortunately it's cancelled this year, on account of the covid 19 virus. I can't read my verses from Matthew II.

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today

a Oos an Vatêrnes Victoria Victorian
arlodhes/Arlodhes (f) lady/Lady (also used for duchess)
comparyans (m) competition
delatys cancelled
derevys built
fondya to found
Godhek Gothic
gwil vry a to take account of
menstrel (m) instrumentalist
ogas dhe near (to) 

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