De Gwener, degves warn ügens mis Hedra
Friday, 30th October
An re ma ew termynyow coynt. An shoppys a wra gan ynia dhe varhasna a-bres rag Nadelik. Ma taclow Nadelik dhe berna. Nag ew Nadelik whath, saw ma carten Nadelik ha ro bian dhebm solabres. Nag ew Nos Calan Gwav whath, saw ma whans solabres dhe’m mergh wydn tòllwisca avel vampîr. “Ma dens apek!” emedh hei. Hanter tremmîs ew en scolyow, etho na venja flehes gwil whel veth. Bettegens, nei a wrüg gwary “Keas an Gisten” – ha na wrüga vy gwaynya, rag certan. “Gero nei dhe wül tekheansow Nadelik. Ma kelyn trehys gen Tas gwydn. Nei ell gwil garlons.” “Na vadna vy, meur ras dhis. Re a-varr ew. Ma Nadelik termyn hir derag.”
These are strange times. The shops urge us to shop in good time for Christmas. There are Christmas things to buy. It’s not Christmas yet, but I already have a card and a little present. It’s not Halloween yet but my granddaughter already wants to dress up like a vampire. “I have monkey-like teeth!” she says. However, we did play “Shut the Box” – and I did not win, of course. “Let’s make Christmas decorations. Grandpa has cut some holly. We can make wreaths.” “I won’t, thank you. It’s too early. Christmas is a long way ahead.”
Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today
apek monkey-like < apa (m) ape
coynt strange
gwaynya to win
keas to close, shut
kisten (f) box
Nos Calan Gwav Halloween
rag certan of course
tekheansow (plural) decorations < deg
tòllwisca to dress up, masquerade, disguise
tremmîs (m) term, quarter
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