De Sül, nessa warn ügens mis Dû
Sunday, 22nd November
Nag ew da genam an mis ma. Nag ew da genam bos en dadn naw alwhedh, gen leunstroth. Nag ew da genam an gewer hedhyw. Nag ew da genam own rag an hager virus. Etho, ma othom dhebm a dhiank! My alja mires ort TV po my alja redya. Bes my ell mires ort pictours ha henrosa e’n jedh. Ma dhen imajinacyons – agan bresyow ell gwandra ha gan corfow ow còrtos tre. Nei ell travalya en termyn ha telher. Dewgh genam dhe’n vledhen whetek cans ha peswardhek, en Pow an Flemen. Abel Grimmer a Antwerp a liwyas dewdhek panel predn derow, onan rag keniver mis a’n vledhen. Nag ens bes eth misva ha qwarter en les. Münysednow ens. Abel o lymner tirwedhyow – saw ev a wras egwalys ras a lymnansow gen artistys erel (pecar’a Pieter Bruegel). Na whath, ma manilyon dhe les. Ev a ûsyas scübyllen pur vian. Nei a wel gwelyow, treven, eglosyow, castilly, gonesyjy ha lies best. En mis Gwedngala ma’n bobel ow cuntel avalow, en mis Hedra mowns ow cül cider, en mis Dû an gwarrak a dal dos dhe’n skiber, hag en mis Kevardhû ma tanjysyow.
I don’t like this month. I don’t like being in lockdown, with total restrictions. I don’t like the weather today. I don’t like fear of the dreadful virus. So, I need escape! I could watch TV or I could read. But I can look at pictures and daydream. We have imaginations – our minds can wander while our bodies stay home. We can travel in time and space. Come with me to 1614, in Flanders. Abel Grimmer of Antwerp painted twelve oak panels, one for each month of the year. They are only eight and a quarter inches in diameter. They are miniatures. Abel was a landscape painter, but he made cheap copies of paintings by other artists (like Pieter Bruegel). Nevertheless, there are interesting details. He used a very small brush. We see fields, houses, churches, castles, peasants and lots of animals. In September the people pick apples, in October they make cider, in November the cattle should come to the barn, and in December there are bonfires.
Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today
bres (m) mind
diank (m) escape
egwalys copies
gonesyjy (plural) peasants < gonesyas
henrosa e’n jedh to daydream
les (m) diameter, width, breadth
lymner tirwedhyow (m) landscape painter
münysednow miniatures
Pow an Flemen Flanders
scübyllen (f) paint brush
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