Thursday, 17 December 2020

Dedh Trei Hans Dewdhek ha Dogens

De Yow, seytegves mis Kevardhû

Thursday, 17th December

Ma bilens e'n bes ma. My a estemyas an castel war Garn Bre a-dhia bell. Restorant ew ev, saw nag ew egor dre reson an plag bes-efan a'n eur-ma. Calish ew rag an berhednyon, drefen nag eus debroryon na debroresow. Nag eus mòna degemerys dhodhans. Ha lebmyn victims ens a sherewynsy. E veu torva. Nebonan a sqwachas beister, shyndya daras hag a's ladra. Da via genam mos dei ha debry en hav. Ma gwel teg dhort an beister. Nag ew pup tra drog e'n seythen ma. Judy Hastings a welas an el ma war gabmdhavas en Truru.

There are villains in this world. I admired the castle on Carn Brea from afar. It's a restaurant, but it's not open, because of the current pandemic. It's hard for the owners, because there aren't any diners. They have no income. And now they are victims of villainy. There was a break-in. Someone smashed a window, forced a door and robbed them. I'd like to go there and eat in summer. There's a lovely view from the window. Not everything is bad this week. Judy Hastings saw this angel on a rainbow in Truro.

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today

a-dhia bell from afar

a'n eur-ma current, topical

bilen ~ vilen (m) villain

debrer (m) debrores (f) diner < debry to eat

egor open

estemya to admire

perhednyon owners, landlords < perhen (m)

plag bes-efan (m) pandemic

sherewynsy (m) villainy, wickedness, evil behaviour

torva (f) break-in < (verbterry

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