De Merher, nawhes mis Kevardhû
Wednesday, 9th December
Etho, ma dhe nei gover ow tremena an vôwnder. Bes ma venten nowydh e'n vorr (vordh) ma. Ma hei ow cül toll, arta. En termyn eus passyes, tho an vorr ydna ha'n venten a dalvia bos rebty. Glaw a wra hedhyw - saw e veu speis segh e'n mettin ha nei alja gerdhes rag üdn our. Tüs erel a gemeras an ahoson dhe wary golf. Ma derevyans ow contenewa en pub le. Whei ell gweles an nenbrednyer war an chei nowydh ma. Pehen a vedh an to? Ev alja bos lehednow, crogednow prei po cala to, martesen. Gwell ew genam ow honan to lehednow skentel en treven coth. Ma 'gan kentrevek ow terevel an chei bian wheg ma et y lowarth rag y flehes. Ma othom dhodho a cribow moy.
So, we have a stream crossing the lane. But there is a new spring in this road. It is making a hole, again. In the past, the road was narrower and the spring should have been beside it. It's raining today - but there was a dry spell in the morning and we could walk for an hour. Other people took the opportunity to play golf. Construction is continuing everywhere. You can see the rafters (roof timbers) on this new house. What will the roof be like? It could be slates, tiles or thatch, perhaps. Personally, I like scantle roofs on old buildings. Our neighbour is building this dear little house in his garden for his children. It needs more ridge tiles.
Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today
ahoson (m) opportunity, chance
contenewa to continue
crib (f) ridge tile
crogednow clay tiles, shells < crogen (f)
derevyans (m) construction, building
lehednow slates < lehen (m)
nenbredn (m) rafter, roof timber, beam
rebty ~ reb hei beside it (f)
speis (m) spell, while
venten ~ fenton (f) spring
ydna narrower
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