Monday, 21 December 2020

Dedh Trei Hans Whetek ha Dogens

De Lün, kensa warn ügens mis Kevardhû

Monday, 21st December

Mantol (Gwav) lowen dhe whei. Hedhyw ew an cottha dedh an vledhen. Howlsav ew - ma'n howl a y sav. Na vedn ev dos iselha e'n ebòrn, ha na vedh nevra an skeujow hirra. (Saw nag eus skeus veth hedhyw!) Avorow an jedh a vedh nebes hirra. Ma'n vledhen ow treylya. Pres ew dhe leverel Duw gena whei dhe'n tewlder ha dhe'n vledhen goth, ha dhe welcobma devedhyans an golow arta. My a enowas cantolyow, dr'ew an vaner ha'n gis. Gwrewgh dewheles A Sol! Ma gòlowow war ow gwedhen Nadelik ewedh. Gwell ew mires worty e'n tewlder - ma dastewydnyansow ewedh. En eglos ma degol gwedh Nadelik, gen gwedh afînys gen bagasow an plüw. Na wrüg Peran besca gweles tra veth a'n par-ma. Ma dhe 'gan kentrevoges kelynen a Gernow hengovek war hy orrel, ke nag eus lies person dh'y gweles.

Happy (Winter) Solstice to you. Today is the shortest day of the year. It is the solstice - the sun is at a stand. It will not get lower in the sky, and the shadows will never be longer. (But there aren't any shadows today!) Tomorrow the day will be somewhat longer. The year is turning. It's time to say goodbye to the dark and the old year, and to welcome the coming of the light again. I lit candles, as is the custom. Come back O Sun! There are lights on my Christmas tree as well. It's better to look at them in the dark - there are reflections too. In the church there is a Christmas tree festival, with trees decorated by parish groups. St Piran never saw anything like this. Our neighbour has a traditional Cornish holly tree on her balcony, though there are not many people to see it.

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today

cantolyow ~ cantollow candles < cantol (f)

devedhyans (m) coming, arrival

dewheles to return, come back

enowy to light

howlsav (m) solstice

iselha lower (comparative)

mantol (f) solstice, balance

orrel (m) balcony

tewlder (m) dark, darkness

welcobma to welcome

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