De Meurth, kensa mis Kevardhû
Tuesday, 1st December
An kensa dedh ew, hedhyw, a gwav keweroniethel. Res veu dhebm hedhyw mos dhe’n vedhegva rag gwaskvesür gooj. Jorna teg o ha nei alja kerdhes war an treth. Nebes gwag o brâssa radn an treth. Nag ew nevra an keth tra en hav! Gwell ew genam gwav. Ma loor leun lebmyn, etho ma mortidys brâs. Nag o an tid bes hanter mes, bes solabres o an treth pur ledan. Ma dastewydnyansow an ebòrn blou en treth gleb. Thew an vedhegva parys rag morlanow – gen sahajow a dreth reb an daras. Ew da gena whei neyja? Ma pollen düs e’n garrek – bes pur yeyn ew an dowr! Ow nerthy! Ma keun ow pònya saw nag üjens neyja. Ma’n dowr ow resek bys en mor òbma. Da ewa gans an golanes. Martesen ewa môy dòbm. Ma plodnow tòbmys gans an howl e’n park kerry. Ma chôkys ow homdrockya ettans.
It’s the first day, today, of meteorological winter. I had to go to the doctor’s surgery today for a blood pressure monitor. It was a lovely day and we could walk on the beach. Most of the beach was quite empty. It’s never the same thing in summer. I prefer winter! There’s a full moon now, so there are big tides. The tide was only half out, but already the beach was very wide. There are reflections of the blue sky in wet sand. The surgery is ready for high tide – with sackfuls of sand by the door. Do you like swimming? There is a swimming pool in the rock – but the water is very cold! Stimulating! There are dogs running but they are not swimming. The stream runs into the sea here. The gulls like it. Perhaps it is warmer. There are sun-warmed puddles in the carpark. Jackdaws are bathing in them.
Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today
carrek (f) rock
gwaskvesür gooj (m) blood pressure monitor
homdrockya to bathe
keweroniethel meteorological
medhegva (f) doctor’s surgery
morlanow ~ lanow (m) high tide
mortidys (plural) < mortîd (m)
nerthy to stimulate
nevra never, ever (present/future)
plodn (m) puddle
sahajow ~ sahasow (plural) sackfuls, bagfuls
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